Beach clean @ Kitaizumi Beach!
Memorial ceremony for 3/11...
It's hard to believe that it's already two years since the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster (>_<)
Since then, everyone has been getting together in hopes of rebuilding Kitaizumi Beach to what it once was. Even the head of NSA, JPSA, and ASP officials were present to give a speech about how they hope in the near future to hold competitions here again(^∇^)
After the ceremony I headed to my new sponsor's factory (Serendipity Surfboards).
Check out my new boards!!
So excited to try them out!
むろさん ありがとうございます‼
帰りめぐみ( 和田純子プロ)とよねちちゃんとインターよってご飯食べました~
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